Sunday, June 26, 2011

45 Day Paleo Challenge!

Tomorrow's the first day of our second Paleo Challenge with Northwest Crossfit. This time we're going to go for 45 days of strict compliance. Again we'll be following the guidelines of the Whole9 Whole 30 Challenge. 

So tonight we stocked up on meat, fish, veg, some fruit & macadamia nuts at Costco (and indulged in a last night cheat meal of pizza & ice cream).

Here's our meal plan for the week:

Monday: Tom Kha Soup
Tuesday: Spaghetti Squash with Meatballs
Wednesday: Chicken with Artichokes (no cheese) & Aaparagus
Thursday: Taco Salad
Friday: Lettuce wrapped hamburgers with broccolini
Saturday: Red Thai Curry (Recipe from Everyday Paleo)
Sunday: Grilled Chicken with baked sweet potato & brussels sprouts

Breakfasts will be eggs, black coffee, grapefruit, bacon on the weekend, Lara bars
Lunches will be leftovers from the night before and/or salads, hard boiled eggs, tuna

I'll be taking measurements tonight as well as weighing myself first thing tomorrow morning so I can keep an accurate record of my progress over the next 45 days. I won't be weighing myself every day - I havent quite decided yet, either once a week or just tomorrow and then taking measurements & weighing again after the 45 days. Do you think weighing more frequently keeps your motivation up?

Since our last strict challenge back in February & March, we kept pretty paleo up until a couple of weeks ago. With traveling & many weekends away with friends, I for one have struggled to say no to the bread & sweets & popcorn & pizza and all the rest of it. But I've been feeling the ill effects in my tighter fitting clothes, lethargy, aches & pains, and lack of progress in my workouts. So we're back on it full force starting tomorrow morning and excited to get healthy!

I'm planning to post more consistently over the next several weeks & share our favorite recipes - so stay tuned & if you're participating in the challenge, keep us posted on how you're doing as well!


  1. You know, I hear that eating Paleo will help you to sleep better, but the last couple of horrible-food cheat-days I've seemed to fall asleep within minutes of eating! ;)
